Naturavita teas (herbal infusions), based upon medicinal and aromatic herbs, added new packaging and two new flavors. Development and production of new products was done by Spider Group Pitomaca, which shares partnerships with the Atlantic Grup of the Naturavita brand which until recently was present on the market under name – Cedevita teas. Innovation, work, dedication and natural growth make Spider Group one of the regioanl leaders in aroamtic and medicinal herbs cultivation, processing and packaging for domestic market and export in whole world. Nemčević family as the proud owner of the Spider Group and renowned in the herbs business, constantly makes improvements in modernization of production and product development according the wishes business partners and consumers.
Orange with cinnamon and turmeric, lemon and ginger are the new flavors with which Naturavita has spread its already rich tasty tea collection. These interesting combinations of flavors and aromas can now be found in new packs of cubes. It is interesting to note that this type of packaging has not existed in our market so far and it stands out from all the other tea packs. New tastes and packaging are not the only change, Naturavita packaging now includes increased visibility of letters and bilingual declarations to make it possible to widespread outside the Croatian speaking area. In this way Naturavita helped its consumers in a better understanding of ingredients and declarations. Ease, innovation, convenience, and carefully brewed ingredients according to high quality standards are key benefits for the decision to try the Naturavita herbal infusions in the colder days just ahead of us.